Thursday, January 1, 2015

First page of a blank book

Well here goes nothing. This year I am forgoing the usual "lose weight, get in shape" resolution, as I spent the majority of 2014 in the gym, making fitness my hobby and my lifestyle. No, this year my main goal is to journal. Every day. Record the funny things, the stupid things, the things that will give me a good laugh in 15 years. As I age, I am finding the importance of passing on information to the next generations. I am also learning that putting it off because "I'll never forget that" is not an option. If I didn't have a reminder to breathe, somedays I think I would forget. So, I am opening the book and starting on the first of 365 pages.
Yesterday was New Year's Eve. Cole was home, so we spent the day cuddling and playing with the kids. We watched Dick Clark's Rocking New Year, danced like fools, ate homemade s'mores and pizza, and watched the ball drop, ringing in a new year. I am so thankful for my family. I honestly can't think of  cooler people to spend this life with. That being said, today marked day 2 of being iced in. With 2 stir-crazy children. With a cold. How I can possibly be bored with a 4 and 6 year old at home is baffling, but I am. Sick and bored are not a good combination when one can't get to the gym to let off steam. Maybe I should have made a New Year's resolution to not be such a whiner. My kids weren't jumping at my request to 'take care of mommy', so unless I was going to call 911 and have a certain extremely handsome EMT come administer my Dayquil, I was on my own. So, I did what makes perfect sense when you're stir crazy and feeling like poo, I cleaned out kids' closets and toy boxes and took down Christmas decor. That eased the tension like you wouldn't believe. Actually, being somewhat of a clean-freak I feel much better that those tasks are behind me. The kids were surprisingly helpful. As far as kids go, mine are pretty much the coolest. For dinner, I snuck some black eye peas into their burritos, and we spent the rest of the evening on the couch watching Home Alone 2 for the 978th time. Woop. Woop. The night got a little more interesting when I logged on FaceBook. Some friends of mine were evidently more bored than I, as they were trying to break the record for most comments on a post. The last time I checked they were over 300. And was the discussion educational, inspirational? Did we discuss the solution to world hunger? Hardly. We founded sMOOthies, a gang with the only requirements being that you condone the wearing of moomoos, but not underwear. And we're talking grown women here. It got weird. And I love that I have friends that I can get weird with. I am a blessed gal. I have a God who saves me, a husband who desires me, kids who need me, and friends who entertain me. Who could ask for more?
Oh, and they're now at 445 comments...

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany has been blogging for a little over 7 yrs now. It's so cool! You won't regret it. Love you!
